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What Kratom Strain is Best for Me?

Writer's picture: Jeff Jeff

Updated: Feb 24

With all the different strain names, vein colors, lingo and jargon out there about kratom choosing the right strain can be a bit overwhelming. Not to mention the fact that the FDA has not approved kratom so companies are no allowed to put direct claims on a product label or in product descriptions. So with thousands of different strains, varieties and blends that can't directly tell you what they do how is anyone supposed to choose the right product? Here, in this article is where we are going to break it down for you so you can choose the right kratom strain that suits your needs.

First things first, you need to know what you want. As basic and straightforward as it seems this is the most important step. Ask yourself a few questions; What time of day will I take kratom? What activities will I be doing while taking kratom? What medication have I taken or am I currently taking? Do I experience any aches or pains? Do I have trouble sleeping? Do I feel groggy and have trouble waking up in the morning? Have I been diagnosed with any illness or condition? These answers will get you in the right direction of what to start looking for.

Once you have an idea of what you want you can start buy narrowing your search down by vein color. What is the vein color? It is the color of the vein that is found in the middle of the kratom leaf. The four main vein colors are white, green, yellow and red. The vein color will give you a good idea of the effects that you can expect to experience.

White, red and green vein kratom leaves

white and red vein leaves

White vein is known for its energy and mental focus, good for the morning time or mid day. Known to create a non jittery type of energy. Many bodybuilders and athletes use a white vein before a workout, exercising, sports or any physical activity. It has been known to help with muscle fatigue and stamina creating that extra boost you need to get through your activity.

Green vein is known for its euphoria and mental relaxation. Both energy and pain relieving effects can be felt from green vein while the energy will not be as prominent as the white vein and the pain relieving will not be as prominent as the red vein.  People have said that green vein helps with anxiety and depression. It is well balanced and is recommended for anytime of the day. Green vein has been used by many people as an alcohol alternative during social events

Yellow vein fits in between green and red as far as the effects go. There is a boost of euphoria along with some relief. Yellows are well suited for those who want a less sedating type of red.

Red vein is known for being more pain relieving and sedative.  This is well suited for night time and those who have any type of pain from chronic to acute injuries. Red vein has been used by many people to help wind down and relax after a long day.

So you've gone through and answered some questions then took those answers to find one or two vein colors that you are interested in. But what are all these names that sounds like they're from Southeast Asia? These are the different strains of kratom. Within the kratom family there are many different variations of the tree. These different variations will produce different effects. Here is a list of some of the main strains and what you can expect to experience from them:

Thai can work as a nootropic, helping with mental focus, concentration and energy.  Works well for working long hours at a desk to manual labor.  The red vein will create a less energetic effect and will increase pain relief.

Borneo has been known to help relieve anxiety and relieving pain.  The green vein is the most effective for helping with anxiety while the red vein will help those looking for pain relief.  The calmness and ease of mind created from Borneo can help with insomnia and depression also.

Maeng Da is one of the most popular and well known strains of kratom.  Maeng Da has been bred to be an almost super strain by having a high alkaloid content.  Maeng Da users have reported a feeling of euphoria with an energy boost and pain relief.  This strain has been used for decades by laborers in Southeast Asia in order to keep their energy and concentration up during long work days.  In high doses it is can create a strong pain relief and sedative feeling.

Malay has shown to be a well suited all around strain.  Green Malay helps well with anxiety and depression while the red helps with pain relief.  Malay is also a very good strain to take in combination with other strains.  Malay can increase the potency of other strains and has become a favorite for many people.

Sumatra Kratom Strain: 

Sumatra is well known for its high energy and mental focus.  Works like a nootropic for creativity, focus, and strenuous tasks.  White Sumatra is the most energizing of all the Sumatras and is not recommended to take a night.  The sense of calmness accompanied with energy makes this a popular strain.

Bali is known for its calming effects.  It is well suited for pain relief and those with anxiety.  In high doses it can become sedating while lower doses are well suited for the daytime and achieving monotonous tasks.

Kapuas is a unique strain and not widely available, grown in the forest on the island of Borneo.  Kapuas has more characteristics of an energizing strain while creating a nice sense of calmness.  

Horn Kratom Strain:

Horn gets it name because of the horn shapes that form on the leaf.  Horn is known for being medicinal by boosting the immune system as well as energy and pain relief.  The mental effects are not as strong with this strain but will help those seeking energy boost and pain relief.

Bentuangie is a more sedative and relaxing strain.  Helps those with insomnia seeking to ease pain.  A good night time strain that eases the mind and relaxes the body.

Dragon is well suited for those in pain.  The red is the best for pain relief and creates a very sedative and euphoric feeling.  It helps with withdrawals and can relax the muscles.  Well suited for those in chronic pain and helps with insomnia.

Indo Kratom Strain:

Indo originates from Indonesia and is a long lasting strain.  The effects can be felt all day and create a relaxing pain relieving effect.  White vein will create a more energetic feeling. 

Well, you've narrowed it down to a vein color and strain that fits your needs, you've ordered it, anxiously awaited for your kratom to arrive in the mail and it has finally arrived. Yes! I am good to go, but wait... How much should I take? This is almost as important as the strain you choose. The effects will differ from different dosages. Starting small is always recommended, a teaspoon or about 2-3 grams of kratom powder and wait 30-40 minutes before dosing any more. In smaller doses kratom has a more energizing effect, as the dosage increases you will experience a more euphoric effect with pain relief. At high doses is where the most pain relief is experienced along with sedation. Be careful though because shortly after you reach the pain relieving sedative point it doesn't take much more to cause nausea and possibly vomiting. Learn more about dosage here.

Kratom tree

Trees, like any other living species have variations, even the same tree's leaves can have varying effects during different seasons. The dry season in Indonesia, the United State's summer, is when potency is at the highest. This is why we always recommend taking it slow with every new bag of kratom, even if it is the same strain. You can always take more but can't untake what you have already taken. Hopefully this will help you in your journey of experiencing relief and healing through kratom.

The information above is for informative purposes only.  Kratom is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and High Sierra Herbals does not claim that kratom can treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease.  The information below is not given by a medical expert and you should always ask a physician before taking any herbal supplement.


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