Kratom tea is obtained by using kratom leaves, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, a plant of family Rubiaceae.
This tea has been used to treat various medical condition for thousands of years.
Kratom tea is picking up steam in health communities for its pain relieving effects. Its leaves have been used to boost energy and endurance, to relieve pain, to increase heat tolerance and relieve fatigue and stress.
Kratom leaves were chewed by labors to combat various health problems such as flu, diarrhea, high blood pressure and diabetes.
If you are in search of kratom tea benefits and methods of preparation, you've come to the right place!

Kratom Tea Benefits
There are a variety of different methods to prepare kratom tea.
This tea offers various health benefits regardless of the method you use to prepare the tea.
1. Boost Energy And Endurance
Kratom leaves possess bioactive compound mitragynine, an alkaloid responsible for most of the benefits of kratom. It stimulates the central nervous system, increases energy and endurance, and invigorates the body.
Many people have stated that kratom tea is a better choice than coffee to boost energy and positivity.
2. Relieve Pain
Besides mood boosting and energy, kratom acts as a natural opioid. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine integrate on the opioid receptors and help to relieve discomfort by reducing the perception of pain.
Kratom tea has the potential to reduce painful conditions such as headache, body aches, flu, menstrual cramps and overall discomfort.
Consuming a cup of tea will help you feel relaxed, invigorated and can improve brain activity.
3. Boost Mood
Kratom has the ability to improve mood and reduce the feeling of depression. It has potential to reduce the stress hormones such as corticosteroids which are associated with increased stress, anxiety and depression.
Kratom increases endorphins, which have stimulatory effects on opioid receptors, relax the mind and increase the feeling of happiness.
4. Help Improve Complexion
Kratom tea can have beneficial effects on skin health. Kratom helps improve complexion by improving circulation to the skin.
It has the ability to balance the pH of the body and increase healing of the skin.
5. Relieve Symptoms Of Opiate and Alcohol Withdrawal
Kratom can have stimulatory effect on the brain and reduce stress, depression and anxiety. It acts on the opioid receptors and can help alleviate feelings of distress.
Kratom tea has shown to be effective in relieving the withdrawal symptoms of opiates and alcohol.
How To Make Kratom Tea
Kratom tea is brewed from leaves of the kratom plant, which can be dried and crushed into a powder. You can simply add this powder to hot water and let it steep.
You can add lemon juice or honey to flavor the tea according to your taste.
Kratom Dosage For Making Tea
Kratom dosages vary depending on the taste of the person. However, there is a guideline suggesting the dosage and impact.
For mild effects- it is suggested to use 0.5-1 g of kratom.
For low effects- dose range from 2-3 grams.
For moderate effects- dosage of 3-5 grams is recommended.
For strong effects- kratom dosage 5-10 grams is suggested.
For very strong effects- more than 10 grams
Recipe # 1- Kratom Tea With Boiling Pot
Fresh water 2 cups
Medium sized pot
Kratom leaves or powder as required
Honey or lemon juice
Dip the kratom powder or leaves in lemon juice for 15 minutes
Pour this fresh water in a pot and boil water for 1-2 minutes.
Turn the flame off and add kratom powder or leaves in hot water and allow to steep for 10-20 minutes. Steeping time can be increased or decreased depending on your taste. More steeping will result in stronger flavor and effects.
Strain the tea in a bowl and preserve the powder or leaves for next use if you'd like.
Add a sweetener like honey or maple syrup to fade bitter taste.
Recipe # 2 -Kratom Tea with Tea Kettle
Fresh Water
Tea pot for boiling the water
Tea ball or tea infuser
Kratom leaves or powder
Fill the tea ball or infuser with the desired strain of kratom leaves or powder.
Boil the water in a teapot for 1 minute and turn the kettle off.
Place the tea infuser in the tea mug and pour the hot water into a mug.
Allow it to simmer for 10-15 minutes depending on your taste.
Remove the tea infuser and preserve the powder or leaves so they can be used for next time.
Add lemon or honey into the tea. It can be enjoyed either hot or cold.
Recipe # 3- Kratom Tea With Coffee Maker
Kratom powder
Fresh water
Lemon juice
Honey or other sweetener
Fill the coffee filter with kratom leaves and powder and handle it carefully to avoid spillage.
Pour fresh water in the coffee maker and turn it on.
Let the kratom tea simmer for 5-10 minutes and hit the off button.
You can add lemon, honey or sweetener to flavor your tea according to your taste.
Recipe # 4- Kratom Tea In Sun
This is a simple method of preparing kratom tea with freshwater over a long period of time.
Kratom leaves
Container or jug
Tea infuser
Fill the tea infuser with crushed kratom leaves and cover it.
Take fresh water in a jug or container and place tea infuser in the jug. Alternatively, you can add the leaves to the water directly and strain it after steeping.
Now place this container in a place where it directly faces sunlight. Allow to steep for 4-5 hours. Tea made with this method is less potent than tea brewed in hot water.
Add lemon juice, honey and ice. Best enjoyed on a hot summer day!
Possible Risks Of Kratom Tea
Aside from the various health benefits, kratom when used in large doses may have side effects. High doses may lead to risks such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increased perspiration and dry mouth. Consumption of a low dose, 1-5g will most likely avoid these negative side effects. Everyone is different and it is always recommend to start off with a small dose.
Bottom Line
Kratom tea is prepared by steeping the leaves of kratom plant in boiled water.
It has stimulatory effects on the brain, increases energy, boosts mood, relieves pain and helps alleviate the withdrawal symptoms associated with opiates and alcohol.
In addition to these health promoting benefits kratom has some side effects when taken in large doses.
It is suggested to take the advice of your health professional before adding it as a supplement.
The information above is for informative purposes only. Kratom is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and High Sierra Herbals does not claim that kratom or any supplement can treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any disease. The information below is not given by a medical expert and you should always ask a physician before taking any herbal supplement. This article is based upon individual experiences and has not been proven by a medical professional.